<aside> 💡 Pyros is what members of the reignite community are called


It is our community program for the brightest of Pyros! We want to enable those of you who have the same burning passion for gaming as we do and make you our burning lights to shine.

Basically we need you, our early adopters, to pick up the torch and guide the way for others. Helping us grow and manage a community and getting rewarded in the process.


👀 Ultimately what is the PyroLink vision?

As the name suggests - in souls-like fashion - we want to link the fire. We want to link our Pyros and create a space where Pyros can hangout, meet new people, play together and stream and backseat and talk about the whole wide world. Providing a safe haven for all the cold and lost souls, to warm up at our digital bonfires and reignite their passion, so they too can infect other lost souls with love and positivity.


🫵 Choose Your Starter Pokémon Team


<aside> 👇 Check out the pages for the respective Teams and their roles within PyroLink.


Team Bonfire: Community Moderation & Events